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Wye Valley Music (St Briavels Music Society)
Privacy Statement: April 2018


Under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which comes into effect on 25th May 2018, we are required to advise all those who appear on any database held by us as follows:



Marketing and Membership Database, containing all contacts and members for the time being of Wye Valley Music. All members and concert purchasers are entered into the database.


Data Manager:

St Briavels Music Society


Data Held:

Source (e.g. concert purchase, membership renewal), Name, Address (most), Telephone Number (most), Email Address (most), Record of Membership.


Reason data held:

Solely for the management of membership subscriptions and the provision of upcoming concert information to people known to have an interest in the type of music promoted by the Society.  Data use is restricted to the marketing of Wye Valley Music; specifically, there is no automated decision-making (also known as “profiling”).


Time Held:

Data is held only as long as an individual agrees it should be held.


Data Sharing:

Data is not shared with, passed to or sold to any other organisation.


Members' rights:

Members whose details appear on the database have the following rights:

-       right to be informed;

-       right of access;

-       right to rectification;

-       right to erasure (though this would mean cessation of membership);

-       right to restrict processing (if there are objections to e.g. accuracy or purpose; temporarily until resolved);

-       right to object (in certain cases e.g. direct marketing);

-       rights in relation to automated decision-making (e.g. objection to such processing, which is not undertaken with this database).



V1a April 2018


Wye Valley Music

Founded 1967
Registered Charity 1092645

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