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Proposed Constitution Changes 2020



The changes proposed here are the same as those proposed at the AGM in October 2019 but for which no vote was recorded.


Issues for Updating:


The four areas of proposed change are:


  1. Co-Option of new Committee members;
  2. The identification of the Society as a Charity;
  3. The use of the name Wye Valley Music;
  4. Inclusion of reference to activities involving young people.


The changes require a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any General Meeting of the Society.



1. Co-Option of new Committee members:


Section 6 Powers of the Committee does not contain the specific power to co-opt new members.


The proposed new clause reads:


New Clause 6.9: "power to co-opt at any time any individual who, in the opinion of the Committee, can contribute to the achievement of the Objects of the Society; such co-opted member shall be a member of the Committee only until the next Annual General Meeting, when the co-opted member must seek election to the Committee."



2. Clarification of the Society as a Charity:


At present the references to being a Charity are in para 2.2 re Objects, in para 6.4 re the power to co-operate "with other charities" and, especially, in Section 14, which requires key changes to have Charity Commission approval.


The proposed change is to insert the Charity Number under the organisation name in the document and to add to the heading the legal status of the Society as an Unincorporated Association.



3. The Use of the name “Wye Valley Music”:


On the Charity Commission website the Society has already recorded “Wye Valley Music” as a “working name” but the present Constitution makes no reference to the Wye Valley Music name. 


The proposed new clause reads:


New Clause 6.10: "power to use other names for marketing purposes, always provided that they serve and reflect the Objects of the Society; in particular the use of the name Wye Valley Music."



4. Activities involving young people:


One of the Objects of the Society in the Constitution is “to provide opportunities for musicians, particularly young musicians, to perform in public” (Clause 2.3), but this is the only reference to young people.  The Committee recommend strengthening the issue of engagement with young people in the Constitution.


The proposed new clause reads:


New Clause 6.11: “power, in carrying out the Objects of the Society, to promote and encourage interest in music among young people, in particular through the organisation of workshops, including in collaboration with schools”.


Change in Clause numbering:


As a result of the insertion of the above new clauses, the previous Clause 6.9 (“power to do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the Objects”.) becomes Clause 6.12.


A copy of the proposed revised Constitution is attached.  Proposed changes are shown in RED.


Margaret Ralph


Wye Valley Music

Promoted by St Briavels Music Society

14th September 2020

Wye Valley Music

Founded 1967
Registered Charity 1092645

01291 330020
[email protected]

C/o The Pantry
1 East Street
St Briavels
GL15 6TG 

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